With more older adults choosing to continue driving, the question of how long senior drivers remain safe while on the road has become more significant. On one hand, driving can help older adults stay mobile, independent, and connected to their loved ones and their communities.
Yet, getting older can make driving riskier. According to the National Institute on Aging, normal changes that come with aging like reduced vision, slower reflexes, trouble hearing, and stiff joints can all affect your ability to drive safely. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that over 700 older adult drivers are injured and more than 20 are killed in auto accidents in the U.S. each day.
While old age alone is not a reason to stop driving, those with age-related physical and cognitive challenges may be in danger while driving. Even so, your loved one may not give up driving easily. We’ve created this guide on seniors and driving to help you and your family tackle this difficult topic. Below, you can read about the warning signs of a dangerous driver, how to talk to your loved one about driving, and some of the best transportation services for seniors when you need them.