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Get Involved!

#GiveLocal is our call. What’s Yours?​


Volunteers are the heart and soul of Interfaith Caregivers. Our volunteers work in our communities to help our neighbors live independent lives.


Interfaith Caregivers’ volunteer opportunities allow you to decide your level of participation based on your schedule. Whether you have a few hours to give each month or are looking to share your professional talents, we have a path to help you #GiveLocal.


Your generous donation of time and talent helps us fulfill our mission and makes a tremendous difference in the lives of your neighbors.


How You Can Help

  • Provide transportation, companionship, or meals for a client. 

  • Offer professional expertise to a committee (public relations, fundraising, personnel, strategic planning, event planning)

What is Needed to Volunteer

To become an Interfaith Caregivers volunteer, you must complete the volunteer application, the pledge of confidentiality and consent to a background check. Once completed we will contact you to set up a brief training session. You may use the online forms or downloadable forms below:


​Online Application Forms:


Volunteer Application

Volunteer Reference (send link to your references)


Downloadable Application Forms:


Volunteer Application Form (PDF)

Pledge of Confidentiality Form (PDF)

Volunteer Reference Form (PDF)

Downloaded forms should be returned to Amy Flood at

Please contact us if you have questions at 856-354-0298.


Volunteer Training:

We also have an orientation, lasting about 30 minutes that we are currently doing in person or via zoom.  Additional forms can be found below:​


Volunteer Manual (PDF)

We facilitate independent living by providing supportive volunteer services for people who are 65+ or have disabilities.

We Need Your Support Today!

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