Our Team
We're committed to helping seniors live full lives!
We facilitate independent living by providing supportive volunteer services for people who are 65+ or have disabilities.
Our Founder
Dr. Joan Gault
Interfaith Caregivers was founded by Dr. Joan Gault, a local physician. Dr. Gault pioneered this idea of aging in place with the model that is Interfaith Caregivers.
Dr. Joan Gault set out to meet the needs of isolated senior citizens. Dr. Gault elicited support from Haddonfield churches and community groups, formed a Board of Trustees, and organized the first training session for volunteers. In its first year of operation, Interfaith Caregivers served 80 clients with the help of 62 volunteers. While Interfaith Caregivers has evolved from its grass roots beginnings, the original vision of neighbors helping neighbors through simple kindnesses hasn't changed.
From the beginning, Interfaith Caregivers has relied on community support and volunteers to provide basic free-of-charge services; transportation, shopping, and companionship, that enable residents who are aging or disabled to remain independent.

Our Board
We enjoy the support of a terrific board of trustees.
Barbara Cortese - President
Kelly Smith - Secretary
Paul Knauer – Treasurer
Kelly Barry
Stacey Behm
Jack Berrigan
Laurie Bushey
Holly Cass
Donna DiMuro
Chris Feese
Judy Guarnieri
Suzanne Lange
David Restrepo
Linda Tromp